
★ ♥ ★ A Multicultural Community that unites people from all over the world ★ ♥ ★
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AMC  aims to provide the online community a place to meet, chat and share ideas. 

As in everyday life, respecting a fellow human being is common sense. 

You are entirely responsible and liable for your session on


Conduct of Conduct

  • Posting or transmitting material that reveals personal secrets/data, unless you own them or have the permission of the owner is not permitted (example: phone numbers, home addresses).
  • Post, publish or upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's computer or harm the well being of the site.
  • ANY forms of harassment will result in a permanent ban from the community.  This includes defaming, harassing, mistreating, sexual, bullying, stalking, threatening or otherwise violating the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others  (example: Spamming your ex's personal contact details in the public domain). 
  • Respect the laws of your country when using this site.


Freedom of Speech & Racial Equality  

The forum is a community based bulletin board, with members from different racial and ethnical backgrounds, 

so we do ask you to be considerate and understanding when replying to topics whether you agree or disagree. 

You are entitled to your opinion.  

We are NOT the thought police. We are NOT here to baby sit you.


Healthy discussions are allowed. For debate purposes we suggest you provide valid links / sources to support your statements when creating or responding to topics.

Material created / posted without valid links or sources to confirm the nature of your topic will be considered as hate speech or personal attacks. Make sure you provide references.

You  have a choice NOT to participate in topics / articles which you may disagree with. 


Please do not report post which you disagree with either. 

Whether you are black, white, brown or whatever "rainbow color" you categorize yourself as, no preferential treatment is given. 

Be civil. Be nice.  

Overall treat others how you would like to be treated.    


"You have the right to hold your own opinions and to express them freely without being abusive, vindictive or bashful towards others".

Site Usage

No Spamming allowed. NO forms of spam will be allowed unless authorized by AMC Management & in doing so will result in a ban.

Support. AMC is not responsible or liable for any help given or not given; we are under no obligation to do so. AMC nor its staff will under no circumstances be held responsible for any damages resulting by any advice given within posts/articles. Whether emotional, physical, loss of data, health, wealth, religious beliefs, or whatever other types of damages you can think or create. By reading this statement you agree not to hold AMC/Staff & the creator of AMC responsible. 

Misconduct  Any regulations broken will result with a warning. A maximum of 10 penalties are allowed.  If u breach beyond 10 warnings this will result in a ban. In extreme cases members will be banned for life without notification. If for some reason we are unable to resolve any issues between you and a fellow member, then both members will be added to the "ignore list", so that you may cool off,  After 48 hours you will be reinstated. We rarely ban /suspend members.

Use of Language. You can use whatever language you prefer.  

Your Rights

Your profile, is your responsibility.

Posts Created By Members remain the property of the creator. To use such material anywhere else (on any other platform),  is between you and the author/creator of the topic / thread.


Material. If you feel that there is anything on the site that belongs to you, and you would like to make a complaint, email the following:  with time, dates and proof of ownership or use the contact us form


Age. Members range from all ages from 14 to 50+ joining AMC there is no main restriction, however we do ask you read and comply with the legal coppa laws for children aged 13 or under. This is for the safety of children under the age of 13 years old who use the internet in which we must comply.


Account Features. All members are treated equal regardless of their account features. Paid accounts have extra features in comparison to free accounts.


Privacy Policy Summary (16/05/02) ASIAN MASSIVE CREW, respect your privacy. We will only collect  personal information you voluntarily give us. The information you give us on this website will be used for AMC ONLY. AMC Answers Within AMC to the correct bodies i.e. 'Moderators & Managers' etc, that would help enhance your account on AMC. We will not furnish or sell your personally identifiable information to unrelated third parties without your consent, unless we are compelled to do so under the law or to comply with a court. You may obtain a copy of your information in our database by sending an email request to


Your Financial Information. Your credit card information is not stored on this website or in any remote accessible data base maintained by the ASIAN MASSIVE CREW . When you USE service on-line your credit card information is passed directly to our credit card processing organization across a secure line to their payment server. Currently, we're using PAY PAL as our credit card processing center. Please feel free to view their site for more details regarding credit card processing.


Cookies. The ASIAN MASSIVE CREW website may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information about your computer's equipment, Internet access, operating system, etc. This information helps AMC to SERVE YOU better, by knowing how people access our website. This is the only use and purpose of these cookies.  You may configure your browser to refuse our cookies.


Copyright & Personal Use Only. All contents of the AMC Sites are Copyright (c) 16/05/02 Onwards. Unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.  Data on the AMC Sites (material within posts, downloads & all other features) are for your own personal and non-commercial use only. You MAY USE these freely without obligation; anything marked with an AMC url/logo must remain in tact. You CAN NOT sell any information or profit in any shape or form from any products from the AMC sites without the advance express written permission of AMC. In doing so will lead to legal action taken upon you. 


AMC Policy


You agree that we have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any given time should we see fit. 

As a participant on the website site you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in our database even after you are no longer an active user/member on our website.



By registering on the AMC site and using it's services or using the AMC chat room, YOU ARE ACCEPTING all the terms and conditions stated, and you are FULLY agreeing to comply with them, if however you DO NOT agree with the above statements, then please DO NOT register/join.



 If you have any other AMC community related problems, feel free to mention them in the support section or to email them directly.

 *AMC reserves the right to change or add rules at any time without any form of notification. **If you do not understand the rules or have any questions regarding them, then feel free to email:


These rules are here to provide safety for the AMC community


Finally, enjoy your stay and have a good time......Thank you!

Last updated: 12/12/2011

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 Graphics, Design & Layout  by Web Designerz - The Power To Create..!

Copyright © 2002 Onwards  | Website Hosted by Reality Host


DISCLAIMER: Every reasonable effort has been made, to make this site a peaceful yet an entertaining venue. 
The creator nor it's staff shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person, company or entity whatsoever, 
with respect to any loss, damages or misunderstandings arising from any information or speculation contained
in any of the topics and its updates. Each member is responsible for his/her own thoughts of action when expressed!