Blank Table:
Ladies and gentlemen.. Connect 4.
How To Play:
1. Choose an emoticon that's not being used
2. Paste it into an empty square
3. If you manage to get 4 in a row you win the round
You can win the round by scoring 4 in a row either: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Ie: |, ―, \ or /. You cannot win the round if your row is not in a straight line.
1. You cannot post more then one icon per post
2. You cannot reply to your own posts
3. You cannot alter anyone else's icons
4. You cannot start a new round until the current round is finished.
Once somebody wins the round, copy and paste the above blank table to begin the next round.
To prevent other users from winning, ruin their rows with your icons.
I need a list of names of who wants to play the game so i can do a list of icons against nicknames which will be kept below the table as a key to clarify who's using which icons.