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I went to grab my robe!
Old 28-02-2017
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I went to grab my robe!

"Whoa!" was the first words out of my mouth when I stepped naked from the bathroom and strode into the living room of our small apartment like every morning and was shocked to discover that my wife, Lisa, was not the only one sitting on the couch in the living room. Beside her sat her best friend, Audrey, and, wow, was I giving her an eyeful!

Besides my slim and somewhat muscular body, I was showing a shrunken four-inch version of my eight-inch long cock which I knew was four inches more than my wife was comfortable with me showing her best friend.

Doing a one-eighty, I headed back into the bathroom, admittedly showing them my ass but, appropriately, shielding their view of my dick. I darted back the way I had come as quickly as possible.

Giggling female laughter followed me into the bathroom and I quickly closed the door. At least my wife was laughing and not yelling, I realized. She was a pretty easygoing lady but I feared I might have accidentally crossed a line with that one. So, I was relieved.

I went to grab my robe and discovered that it was not where I usually left it. Damn! I had obviously used it at an earlier time and not brought it back. I considered wrapping a towel around my waist but, deciding that more coverage was in order, I instead shouted to my wife through the door, "Lisa? Can you get my robe?"

More laughter filtered through the door and then I heard, "Sure, Dan. Hang on, babe."

After a moment the door opened and she tossed me my robe. We lived in Florida so it was not a big terry cloth sort of thing; instead it was a very light and very thin dark blue robe. Still, it covered me better than a towel would have. I put it on, cinched the belt firmly so I wouldn't accidentally give anyone another show, and tried venturing out into the living room again.

My wife was standing in the center of our small living room, smiling at me, while her friend, Audrey, sat on the couch where I had last seen her. Both women wore plain tee shirts, my wife's yellow and Audrey's orange, sandals, and denim cutoffs. We lived near the beach so it was a look I saw all the time.

"You could have warned me that we had company," I complained.

She smiled at me again. She had a killer smile. She said, "I did, but obviously you didn't hear me over the sound of the shower."

Audrey volunteered, "I wasn't offended, Dan, if that's what you're worried about." She had a little smirk on her lips.

"See? No harm done. I'm going to take a shower before Audrey and I head out to the beach." Gesturing to the couch across from Audrey, Lisa added, "Can you be a doll and keep her company until I get out?"

"Sure," I said. I couldn't deny Lisa anything.

Lisa is what most men would call their dream girl. Five-three, one-ten, big brown eyes, long blond hair, and perfectly-formed firm full c-cup tits. She was slim, but not bony, tanned, but not too dark. She had full pouty lips and a cute little nose. She looked like the girl next door and a, albeit short, supermodel at the same time. Personality-wise, she was vivacious, confident, and naturally sexy. Overall, she was just the cutest damn thing in the whole world.

"Great," she replied, giving me a quick kiss and slipping into the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and gave Audrey a wry smile.

She smiled back at me a genuine toothy grin and asked, "You're not coming with us?"

"Nah," I said, sitting on the couch across from her. "I'm just going to relax and play some video games. You heading for the beach a little early aren't you?"

She shook her head and said, "No, we like to spend time talking and if we go too late we can't stay as long because the sun gets too strong."

"So you go to the beach to talk, not get a tan?" I asked as I heard the shower begin to run in the bathroom.

She laughed, "Yeah, and meet guys."

"Oh?" I asked, wondering if I should be concerned about Lisa's time at the beach.

Audrey could see my concern. She said, "Don't worry, Lisa's not looking. She's already met a great guy. I'm the only one looking to hook up."

I was relived and accepted the compliment with only a smile. I asked, "You aren't seeing Chet anymore?"

She held up her hand to her forehead and made an L. "Loser," she said.

I laughed and then asked, "What did he do?"

She thought about that for a second and then said, "Well, like most guys I've gone out with, he was much more concerned with coming on me than coming with me."

I coughed, nearly choking on my own tongue. Audrey was always surprising me with her brazenness. Quickly collecting myself, I finally managed to say, "You just need to pick better guys."

"Yeah," she replied, thoughtfully. There was a moment of silence between us and then Audrey said, "I'm a little bummed you're not coming with us."


She nodded and said, "Can you help me with something?"

"Sure, I guess," I said, not really knowing what she was going to ask, but glad to help her.

Audrey had always been nice to me. She was the maid of honor at our wedding and I trusted her implicitly, as did Lisa. Now, I knew that Lisa considered herself the pretty one and Audrey her 'ugly' friend. But, if Audrey were ugly in anyone's book it would only be in comparison to Lisa.

Audrey was wild and fun-loving but considerate and trustworthy. She was also gorgeous in her own right. Her five-nine, one-forty frame was svelte and very fit without a single ounce of fat on her. She had brown eyes, long brown hair, and cute little b-cup tits. Her skin was dark from all the time in the sun. Her best feature, though, was her smile.

Rewarding me with a big smile, she said. "Great, because Lisa doesn't do it right."

"She doesn't do what right?"

Audrey stood up and said, 'Let me show you." She grabbed the bottom on her tee shirt and pulled it up and off, over her head. She tossed it onto the couch beside her beige beach bag.

The bikini top she wore under her tee shirt was white with wide golden horizontal stripes. It was held together in front by white strings tied into a bow. The top covered her tits completely but for a little bit of cleavage in between.

My cock stirred under my robe at the sight of her beautiful tanned skin and flat firm stomach. I didn't know what she was going to do next, but I also knew that I needed to stop her. With my wife in the shower I didn't want Audrey to do something that might ruin our friendship or my marriage. "Audrey, I-"

"Do you like my bikini?" she asked.

The top was not that flattering on her but her body was so sexy I said, "You look great, but-"

"So, look at this," she said as she turned her back to me. "See how my shoulders and back are more red than tanned?"

"Not really," I said. I couldn't see a difference. Her skin was nicely tanned all over and I couldn't see a flaw anywhere on her body. My hardening cock could testify to that. I tried to keep it down but my rising desire for my wife's best friend forced me to sit up and try to hide it, lest she see it tenting in my robe.

"Well, it must have gone away after last time, but Lisa doesn't cover my back and shoulders correctly. I always get burned," she explained.

"Oh," I said, relieved. So that's what Lisa did wrong.

Audrey retrieved a bottle of suntan lotion from her bag on the couch and, handing it to me, she softly asked, "So, I was wondering if you'd do me?"

I assumed the double-entendre was accidental on her part but her words forced me to think about what it would be like to really do her; fuck her. My cock was fully hard under my robe. I sat up straighter, tipping my dick down even more so it didn't tent my robe. "I'd be happy to," I said as I took the bottle, really meaning it as the thought of sliding my hard cock into Audrey overwhelmed me.

Audrey turned around and, instead of sitting beside me on the couch, she backed up, her ass clad in her denim shorts only a foot from my face, and slowly sat down on the edge of the couch between my legs. She gathered her long brown hair and pulled it forward across her chest, exposing her back to me completely.

I scooted back to let her sit down and, though I lifted my hard dick out of the way with my hand I had nowhere to put it so that it wouldn't bump into her. Mine was the type that stood out and didn't bend without pain. She sat too far back for me to hide it and so I held onto it with my left hand. She couldn't see me so I just held it.

Audrey's smelled of vanilla and her tanned shoulder's looked silky smooth, the skin flawless. I longed to touch her, take her, fuck her, but I dared not even give the slightest indication of my attraction for her, lest she tell Lisa and ruin my marriage. I had no intention of letting that happen.

She turned her head and looked at my face. She asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No," I said reflexively, one hand holding the bottle of lotion and the other holding up my throbbing prick so it didn't press against her back or ass.

She smiled at me and slowly said, "Well then, please, Dan. Take what's in your hand and rub that cream into my skin. I need it so badly and I hope you can finish before your wife gets out of the shower."

Was she being deliberately provocative? Was she aware of how her words were turning me on? Was she testing me or just teasing me? Or was she completely unaware of the effect she was having on me?

I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to use the bottle and hold onto my dick at the same time. I leaned back as far as I could and gently released my hard throbbing cock. It pressed against her denim shorts and I hoped like hell she didn't notice.

I took the bottle and squirted a liberal amount in the palm of my hand. The bikini top she wore tied in the front and so had a loop behind her neck and a strip across the middle of her back. I pressed my hand to her upper back, spreading the lotion across her smooth tanned flesh.

"Oh, that's cold," she complained.

"Sorry," I said, moving my hands across her skin to warm up the lotion and help it coat her evenly. I wanted to touch her so badly and here I was caressing her back with my hands. My cock throbbed with anticipation at the thought of fucking her, which I knew would never happen.

"Mmm, that's better," she cooed, leaning back a bit into my hands. "Now do my lower back, please."

I deposited some more lotion into my hand. I used both hands to warm it before I reached down between us and spread it down her lower back to her denim shorts. My cock throbbed as it pressed against her butt and I was glad she didn't notice. I felt so wicked at the closeness of my cock to her, separated only by my thin robe and her denim shorts.

"I need it lower than that," she complained as she stood up.

She quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her denim shorts before shimmying them down over her firm ass. The bottom of her swimsuit, which she wore under her shorts, was a little large for a modern bikini. It road up a good two inches above her pubic hairline and it actually dropped into a little skirt about three inches long. In color the bottom matched the top, white with gold horizontal stripes. As she bent over, to finish taking off her shorts, I could see that the underside of the bikini was white and it covered her pussy completely.

I wanted to stop her, interrupt her, or do anything that might get me out of that situation but I couldn't. The prospect of her sitting her cute little ass down on the couch in front of me made my cock rock hard and my throat close up at any objection I might have been able to come up with. The sound of the shower was loud in my ears.

"There!" Audrey said as she kicked her pants onto the other couch where they landed beside her bag. Without even glancing back at me she backed up and sat down where she had been sitting; right there between my legs. However, this time, she sat back an extra few inches.

Had I not pulled my throbbing cock up against my stomach inside my robe she would have sat full on it. "Oh god," I whispered to myself as I took a deep breath. However, instead of calming my nerves I breathed in the scent of her, vanilla and suntan lotion. It just made me want to touch her even more.

"Come on," she urged. "Put some of that cream on my lower back, Dan. Really get it down there, you know?"

Again my cock pressed against her back as I tried to tip my hips up, so it didn't press so hard against her and feel so obvious to her. I squirted a small amount of lotion into my hands and rubbed them down to the small of her back. Her skin was smooth and the muscles firm beneath my hands.

"Ooh, that tickles," Audrey giggled as she swished her ass from side to side, rubbing it against the underside of my engorged prick.

Only the thin material of my robe and the slightly thicker material of her bikini separated us. Surely she could feel my cock as it rested between her ass cheeks. She had to know what she was doing to me. Still, I dared not bring attention to it.

"Sorry," I said as I quickly finished applying the suntan lotion to her lower back. I wanted to grab my cock again, which refused to go down no matter how much I tried to will it to. However, Audrey had pressed her butt back full against me, trapping my rod in the valley of her ass. To get my cock out, the only possible way was by pushing her away but Ijust couldn't bring myself to do that.

Audrey said, "Don't be sorry. You're doing great. I just need you to put some on my shoulders and I'll leave you alone."

I didn't want her to leave me alone, I wanted to fuck her. But, really, with Lisa in the shower that was not an option. I needed to get this done as quickly as possible. I could only image what my wife would say at seeing us like this on the couch.

I squirted some more lotion into my hands. I ran my hands quickly up the back of her neck and down over her shoulders. "All done," I said, finally getting a hold of my senses, despite the insistent throbbing of my cock against her cute little ass.

Audrey slowly leaned forward a bit and stood up. Her ass ran up the underside of my cock. I was sure she could feel the length and breadth of it but she didn't say a thing as she then stood up fully, grabbed the bottle of suntan lotion I had placed on the couch beside us, and walked to her bag on the couch.

I sat up, tipping my cock down again between my legs so that it didn't tent my robe. There was no way I was going to mention it or show my excitement to her. She certainly felt it with her ass but if she wasn't going to say anything, I sure as hell wasn't.

She turned and smiled at me. She kicked off her sandals and spread her arms, striking an open pose for me, and asked, "So, you like my bikini?"

I didn't really care much for the bikini but looking at her cute sexy, and deeply tanned, body I said, "You look great!" I thought to myself, 'good enough to eat.' I had an overwhelming urge to push her back onto the couch and take her right there. My cock throbbed with desire. Thankfully, I resisted.

At that moment the water of the shower shut off and, two seconds later, the bathroom door opened.

I thought for sure I was dead. I whipped my head around and saw my beautiful wife standing in the doorway wearing her new swimsuit, her hands on her hips. The top of the bikini was a light peach color with big triangles to cover her tits, a long string across the middle to show a lot of cleavage, and a tie in the back. The bottom was also light peach. It rose to just above her pubic hairline and was tied on each side with a bow. Her hair was dry.

Lisa asked, "What's going on out here?"

I was speechless. I felt like I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. My hard cock throbbed under my robe with desire for Audrey as I searched for something to say. The shock over Lisa's sudden appearance began to wilt my hardness quite a bit.

Thankfully, Audrey answered, "I was showing Dan my swimsuits."

"Oh, really?" Lisa asked as she came around and sat down beside me.

My cock was halfway deflated at that point. I wondered where all of my blood had gone because I could feel that it wasn't in my face, either. I forced myself to lean back and try to look relaxed since my dick was finally soft enough to bend down and not tent my robe.

"Which one did he pick?" my wife asked.

"He said he likes the one I have on," Audrey replied, performing her open pose again so Lisa could get a good look.

Lisa looked at me and asked, "Dan, you like that one better than the pink one?"

I was relieved that my wife was not upset with me about ogling her friend and was more concerned about the fashion of the swimsuits. "What pink one?" I asked.

Looking at Audrey, Lisa said, "Try on the pink one so he can see how it looks on you."

Audrey nodded and pulled the strings between her breasts, loosening the top.

I said, "Whoa! You can change in our bedroom, you know."

Lisa said, "Dan, don't be rude." Then to Audrey she said, "Don't mind him, honey. You'd think he'd never seen a naked woman before. We're all friends here."

Audrey smiled and pulled her top off. Her breasts were small and firm, the nipples pointing right at me. She had very light tan lines covering her breasts from a bikini smaller than the one she had just removed.

I felt my cock begin to rise. I thought about trying to hide it again but decided that, hell, any embarrassment I might cause would really be Lisa's fault for thinking I would not get a hard-on for her sexy friend getting naked right in front of me. I knew it was a risky decision but I felt bold after Lisa had accused me of being rude for suggesting that Audrey should change in the bedroom. I was going to teach her a lesson.

Audrey hooked her fingers into the bottom of the bikini and very slowly pushed it down over her hips and down her legs. The left side of her lower abdomen bore a tattoo in the shape of a star. Her pussy had a small triangle of dark hair above her clean-shaven slit.

She looked beautiful and my cock began to tent my robe. I didn't try to hide it that time, though I glanced at Lisa to see if she noticed yet. I couldn't tell, as she too watched her friend undress in front of us.

Audrey put on the pink top, reaching behind her back to tie it off. The small triangles of material barely covered her tan lines. Then she put on the bottom, tying each side into a bow. She turned around and showed us that it was a thong that went up her ass, separating her cheeks and it had only a small triangle of material that sent the straps off to either hip. The little dimples just above her ass were the last ingredients that pushed my cock to full hardness.

When she turned around and looked at us, Audrey smiled and pointed to the front of my robe, which rode up so high from my erect cock that she could almost see my balls, and said, "I think 'little Dan' approves."

Lisa laughed heartily at that as she looked at the tent in my robe.

I smiled, much relieved that my wife wasn't upset. Even though I rationalized that any embarrassment would be her fault, I also realized that she might not see it that way.

Audrey nodded and smiled too. "So, Dan, am I to understand that you like this swimsuit better?"

I nodded and said, "You look great in whatever you wear, but, yeah, this one is better."

"Aren't you sweet," Audrey replied.

Lisa asked, "So, Dan, you didn't get hard when Audrey was in that other bikini?"

I ran the scenario through my mind. If I said 'yes', there would be questions. So, I decided to lie. I shouldn't have but I did. I said, "No."

"No?" Lisa asked. "Not even a little?"

Deciding a grain of truth could help I said, "Well, maybe a little."

Audrey said, "That's not what I felt!"

"Felt?" Lisa asked.

Audrey nodded and said, "I sat in front of him as he rubbed suntan lotion on my back and let me tell you, it wasn't a little hard, it was as hard as a steel pipe."

"Oh was it now?" Lisa asked, looking at me accusingly.

I couldn't believe that Audrey had said that. I knew my marriage was in trouble and I didn't know what to say. I had not planned to ever let her know that I had gotten an erection for Audrey while she had been in the shower. I stammered, "Well, I-"

Lisa laughed. I was confused a bit but then she patted my knee and said, "We both know she's sexy. I'm getting excited myself. There's no need to hide it."

Then Audrey said, "You know, the way that robe is riding up, it looks like 'little Dan' is a bit bigger than what I saw earlier."

"Oh, it is," Lisa assured her. "Isn't it, babe?" she asked me.

I said, "Yeah, I guess so." I didn't think eight inches was really that big. It was thick and long enough to just touch the bottom of Lisa's cunt, but it wasn't one of those monster dicks you see online.

"Would you like to see it?" Lisa asked Audrey.

"What?" I blurted, not really believing what I had just heard. Surely my wife had not just offered to show my dick to her best friend. The thought made my dick even harder.

"Is that a problem?" Lisa asked me. "Are you getting shy on me now?"

I had been trying to teach Lisa a lesson and now, well, this was getting serious. It was one thing to talk about how big my dick was under my robe; that was weird enough. But to actually deliberately show it to her best friend was taking the conversation into unknown territory. "No," I said, "It's just that, well, -"

"Look," Audrey said, her bottom lip stuck out in the cutest little pout. "I've already seen it once. Besides, I showed you mine, but now you won't show me yours?"

Though she had a good point, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Lisa wanted to show her friend my hard cock and Audrey wanted to see it. It was, after all, my wife who was asking me to show it. I couldn't be concerned about her feelings if it was her idea, I reasoned. I shrugged, took a deep breath, leaned back even more, and said, "Take a look!"

Lisa reached for my robe. Her delicate fingers grabbed the outside flap and pulled it off the tent that protruded from my groin, only to find the other flap also covering it. She reached down and slowly pulled that one aside as well, releasing the material with a flick so it opened fully.

Audrey studied me intently, her eyes glued to my cock. She even took a step forward and bent down a bit to get a better view. She licked her lips.

My cock stood tall and proud as it pulsed and throbbed with desire for Audrey. It was eight inches long and three fingers wide, the head flaring only slightly wider than the shaft.

From Audrey's angle, she saw from the head all way to my balls, which made it look even bigger. Audrey said softly, "Nice one!"

Lisa smiled as she looked at her friend and said, "Yeah, I think so. He really knows how to use it to."

That made me proud, of course. I smiled at that but nobody was looking at my face. The thought of my wife showing me off to her friend made me more horny.

"Does he?" Audrey asked.

"Oh, yes," my wife said, as she wrapped her small fingers around my thick shaft. "He lasts a really long time, too. Don't you, babe?"

"Huh?" I asked, lost in the moment and just barely aware that I had been asked a question.

"You can last a really long time, don't you think?" she said, as her hand stroked up my shaft, pulling some pre-seminal fluid onto the head.

I swallowed hard and nodded. "I guess so," I replied.

Audrey smiled as she stood back up straight and said to Lisa, "Longer than Chet?"

Lisa laughed and said, "Yeah. From what you tell me, about ten times longer."

"Yeah, right," Audrey said skeptically, "I've never been with a man that could last that long. I don't know if I believe you."

Lisa thought about that for a moment, nodding slowly as she absently slowly stroking my hard prick with her little fist. Then she said to Audrey, "Well, you know, I think I'm going to have to take care of this before we go to the beach."

Audrey nodded and said, "Yeah, looks like I started a little fire in Dan' pants. That is, if he were wearing any."

Lisa laughed at that.

Audrey asked, "So, do you want me to wait outside?"

Lisa shook her head and replied, "No, I was thinking that you could stay and watch, if you want to see how long he can last. Besides, you created it. That is, of course, unless it would make you uncomfortable."

I didn't know if Lisa intended to give me a blowjob or to have sex with me, but, either way, I was stunned that she would invite her friend to watch. Stunned, but also very aroused. I didn't say a fucking word.

Audrey smiled and said, "Oh, I'd love to stay and see that." Then she looked at me and said, "Is that alright with you, Dan?"

I tried not to smile; I really did. I couldn't help it. I smiled at her and said, "More than alright, Audrey."

I regretted saying it as soon as the words left my mouth. I thought for sure that Lisa would pitch a fit. But, instead, she stroked my cock as she said to both of us, "Good. See? Like I said, we're all friends here."

I held my breath, not knowing where this was going and not wanting to break the spell. I just knew at any moment Lisa would stop and tell Audrey to go in the other room. I found I liked her watching me. I liked Lisa showing me off. I surprised myself a bit with that revelation.

Lisa kissed me as she continued to stroke my throbbing cock in her fist. Her mouth opened and she teased me with her tongue. She pulled back slightly and asked, "Does watching Audrey turn you on, Dan? Do you think she's hot?"

I nodded as I gazed into my wife's beautiful brown eyes. We had already established that, so I didn't even consider lying in the state I was in. I also realized that Audrey could hear us.

Lisa smiled her little mischievous smiled at me and turned her face toward my crotch. She blew her warm breath across the head of my prick.

I looked at Audrey who was looking down at her friend, my wife, and my raging hard-on. I could see that she was breathing heavily and her nipples clearly dented the material of her little pink bikini top.

Lisa kissed the head of my cock and then took it between her lips. She swirled her tongue around and around the flaring head as she pressed her mouth down my shaft. She began slowly stroking my prick with her lips, dropping them lower and lower on each stroke until she was sucking seven of my eight inches into her face again and again.

I groaned in pleasure and caressed my wife's bare back. Not able to see her working on my lap because of the blond hair falling in the way, I stared at Audrey. Lisa had brushed her hair toward me so Audrey could get a good look at what she was doing to my prick.

Audrey said, "Oh my god, how do you get it in so deep?"

Lisa lifted off my prick and said, "I open my throat a little, like I'm swallowing it."

"I can't get more than five inches in my mouth without gagging, especially if it's that thick."

Lisa said "Here, come sit down and I'll teach you," gesturing to the other side of me. Then, as Audrey sat beside me, Lisa asked me, "Is it okay if I let Audrey suck your dick a little bit?"

Never in a million years would I have ever thought that my wife would ask me something like that. I tried to hide my excitement and said as politely and relaxed as I could, "Sure. I'd love that."

Lisa smiled at me and said, "I thought you might."

With my wife holding the base of my cock in her fist, Audrey bent toward my crotch, her brown hair falling down around her face. I could feel her cool breath on my hot prick just before her lips captured the head. While Lisa's mouth was always warm, Audrey's, initially, was cool. She pressed her head down, swallowing my already-slick cock into her mouth and down her throat in one long stroke, her lips lost in my public hair and brushing my balls.

Lisa, who had to release my cock to let her best friend take it all into her mouth, and laughed. She said, "Five inches, my ass!"

Audrey gagged a bit, pulled her head up and coughed. Then she said, "You taught me well."

Both girls laughed at that. I didn't really give a shit either way, as long as they kept sucking my dick.

Audrey sucked up my cock again, and began stroking the entire eight inches with her mouth. Her hair brushed against my stomach and thighs as she bobbed her head in my lap.

I was in heaven. I loved the feel of her lips running up and down my shaft as well as the squeezing of the head in the back of her throat. I ran my right hand across Audrey's back. Her skin was cool to the touch while my wife's skin under my left hand was warm.

Lisa pulled my robe fully open, ran her hands up my chest, and kissed me. She asked, "Is she sucking it good?"

I groaned and said, "Fuck yeah!" I was not trying to hide my pleasure from her in any sort of attempt to protect her feelings. I just hoped she didn't ask me who gave a better blowjob.

Audrey gagged again on my prick and sat up, breathing heavily.

Lisa took my dick into her mouth again, bobbing her head atop my lap with long rhythmical strokes. Her blonde hair flailed about as she sucked and I found myself wishing that she could take it as deep as Audrey did. Still, it felt wonderful.

I ran my hand up to the back of Audrey's head, pulled her toward me, and kissed her. She had really given an effort at sucking my dick and I felt appreciative toward her. Her mouth was wet from the blowjob and she kissed me back passionately, driving her tongue into my mouth. It felt so surreal to kiss my wife's best friend as my wife sucked my cock.

Audrey ran her hands across my chest as we kissed. At the same time, Lisa pulled off my cock and ran her lips down the underside of my prick to my balls. She licked at them as she stroked my wet dick in her fist. It was ecstasy.

I didn't know my limitations. This was supposed to be a blowjob lesson but I already found myself kissing Audrey. While I was normally cautious when it came to knowing the limits and not hurting Lisa's feelings, in that moment I was overcome with passion. I took my left hand, which had been caressing Lisa's back, encouraging her to suck my cock deeper, and instead cupped Audrey's right breast, the thin pink material of the bikini covering the nipple.

In the back of my mind I halfway expected Audrey and Lisa to pitch a fit and tell me what a bad person I was for thinking I could turn a blowjob lesson into a threesome. Much to my relief, that didn't happen. Instead, Audrey moaned into my mouth and Lisa resumed sucking my cock deep in hers.

I rolled Audrey's little nipple between my fingers through the thin fabric of her pink bikini. The little bud was hard with excitement. She was as turned on as I was, moaning her appreciation into my mouth.

Audrey pulled her bikini to the side, exposing her nipple to my probing fingers. There was no doubt about where she wanted this to go. If Lisa wanted this to stop she was going to have a hard time of it.

I cupped her warm tit in my hand. The hard little nipple bored into my palm as I squeezed and kneaded her small breast with my fingers. Not only smaller than Lisa's but different; after marrying Lisa, I never imaged I'd ever feel another woman's tits again.

I broke the kiss and glanced down at Lisa as she lifted off my cock again. She whipped her fist up and down my engorged prick. She looked at me with lust in her eyes. I was glad that there was not a hint of anger.

Audrey boldly took my head in her hands, turned me to face her, knelt up on the couch, tugged the other cup of her bikini aside, and stuck her left tit into my mouth.

I knew that if Lisa had a problem she would have said something by then, so I opened my mouth, sucked as much of Audrey's tender tit-flesh between my open lips as I could, and swirled my tongue around the little nipple. She tasted salty and her skin, though still cool, was warming. Her tits were small and firm between my lips, the nipple hard as a pebble.

"Oh, yeah, suck my fucking tits," Audrey gasped.

I had always known her to have a mouth on her but I was about to discover just how nasty Audrey could talk. It turned me on. Lisa sometimes spoke dirty to me but I would have preferred it even dirtier.

Lisa's hand still stroked my cock but her face appeared beside mine as she sucked Audrey's right tit between her lips and sucked hard at it.

It was so surreal to me that my wife and I were both sucking on Audrey's tits; who had just a moment ago been nothing more to me than my wife's best friend. Now, we were both sucking on her nipples. I had no idea that Lisa swung that way. She had never indicated that to me in the past. Was it just in that moment or was it a more wide-reaching thing?

"That feels so fucking good," Audrey sighed, her hands behind both of our heads.

I reached back to Lisa's crotch and pushed her bikini aside. She was kneeling on the couch beside me and her slit was wet. I felt for her clit and found it slick and hard with excitement. She was my wife and I didn't want there to be any illusions that I was exclusively concentrating on Audrey, despite the fact that she was so new to me.

Lisa, moaned at my touch, and rose up on her knees on the couch. She leaned in and kissed Audrey on the mouth right above me. She kissed her as passionately as she usually kissed me and, though there might have been a little twinge of jealousy, it was a huge turn-on.

Still sucking on Audrey's nipple, I caressed up her thigh to her bikini-clad pussy with my free hand, only to find Lisa's hand already there. I pulled my head back and watched my wife rub her best friend's pussy through her pink bikini thong. I got the distinct impression that this was not the first time for them. Had my wife been cheating on me with her best friend during our one year of marriage? Did I consider it cheating if it was with another woman?

Lisa broke the kiss and said to me, "Lay down so she can sit on your face."

I said, "Really?" I knew it was a stupid question. She was the one who had just told me to do it. I was just so surprised that she would tell me something like that I couldn't help but ask.

Lisa smiled at me and put her little hand on my chest, attempting to push me onto my back.

I could have stopped her, but I didn't. She was the one asking me to do it so I tried to push any concerns I might have to the back of my mind. I found that I liked her being a little controlling. That's not to say I wanted to be tied up or anything, but her aggressiveness turned me on.

Audrey stood up, giving me room to lie down. She looked down at me. She said, "Do you want to lick my slutty pussy, Dan? Do you want me to sit my nasty slit right down on your fucking face?"

Lisa, kneeling on the floor behind Audrey, told me, "Show her how good you are, babe. Eat her like you eat me." Then I felt her wrap her lips around my cock and resume sucking my prick.

I smiled up at Audrey. I loved hearing the nasty words and I did want to eat her pussy as Lisa instructed me. I looked up into her eyes and told her, "Sit on my face, Audrey. I want to taste you."

I could see the lust register in her eyes at my words. She turned her back to me and straddled my face. I tugged the crotch of her pink bikini bottom to the side and looked at her clean pink asshole above her inverted slit. I quickly examined her and realized that her slit was definitely waxed; no razor bumps or stray hairs. Her whole mound was puffy and ruddy with excitement; her inner lips were swollen and flowering out, her dew on them glistening in the sunlight that streamed into the room.

I didn't tease her. I could see she was beyond that already. I extended my tongue, making solid direct contact with the bottom of her slit, from my perspective, and licked up her pussy all the way up to her fuck-hole where I let my tongue dip in just enough to taste her fuck juices.

"Mmm," she purred as she fell forward and took my cock into her mouth as Lisa dropped lower to tease my balls with her tongue.

I grabbed Audrey's ass to encourage her to lower her pussy more firmly to my face, though keeping my thumb hooked into her bikini so it didn't slip back into place and block my access. With her slit rotated up so she could lie down and suck my cock, I could only reach her clit with my mouth, so she might as well press it down hard against my lips, I reasoned.

As the two hot women took turns sucking my cock and licking my balls, I sucked Audrey's clit and much of the surrounding pussy-flesh into my mouth. I gently but firmly began stroking the slick bud with my tongue.

"God yes, suck my fucking clit," Audrey hissed.

"Eat her good, babe," Lisa encouraged.

I was still amazed that Lisa was actually telling me to do that. I had not seen it coming and I didn't know how long it would last. I told myself to relax and enjoy it as much as possible. If I ended up doing something that Lisa didn't like, well, she'd just have to live with it, because I didn't know if I could have stopped myself at that point.

The two women sucked my cock like porn stars. They took turns but sometimes would both run their lips up and down either side of my shaft. I could feel them kissing each other around the head. It felt so good; so sexy; so naughty. I found myself wishing I could see it as well as feel it.

I ate Audrey's pussy and enjoyed the girls sucking my cock for at least fifteen minutes. I rarely came from receiving a blowjob but I was surprised that Audrey hadn't come yet as Lisa would have come three times by then. I was becoming concerned. I needed to discover the secret to making Audrey come by trying something else.

I pushed Audrey forward a bit and lifted my head. I pressed my tongue as deeply into her cunt as I could, scraping the walls with my tongue.

"Yeah," she shouted, "Fuck me with your nasty tongue."

Audrey sat up on my face and I laid my head back down. I used my thumb to rub her clit, which was just above my chin, as I extended my tongue as far up into her cunt as I could. With my other hand I pushed her ass away from me and, just as she was about to get off, I pulled her down on my face.

I had surprised Audrey because I heard her say to Lisa, "Oh shit, he wants me to ride his fucking face."

"Do it," Lisa said simply as I felt her straddle my lap, her soft calves against my hips and her hands on my chest.

Lisa's cunt dropped down around my cock, fitting down around my meaty dagger like a sheath that was designed just for it. I could have fucked a hundred women blindfolded and I would have been able to identify my wife's cunt out of all of them. We fit perfectly together. Her bikini was pulled to the side and I could feel the material travel down the left side of my dick.

Looking up I only had sight of Audrey's firm ass, her asshole at my nose, and some of her back. However, I also caught glimpses of arm movements up there and I knew that they were kissing each other and, from the sounds I heard, they were also sucking at each other's tits. Again, I didn't mind at all. The thought of it, if not the actual sight, turned me on like crazy.

Audrey began moving her body up and down, fucking my tongue. I held it as deep and rigid as I could for her to fuck. Some men may not have liked doing that because of the smell, taste, or sensation of being smothered, but I absolutely loved it.

At the same time, Lisa began stroking her perfectly formed tight pussy up and down my cock in rhythm with Audrey's movements, fucking me. "His cock feels so good inside me," Lisa told Audrey.

"He has a long fucking tongue," Audrey replied as she built up speed. I encouraged her to go faster and harder on my face. She took the hint.

After a few moments, Lisa again matched Audrey's rhythm and they were both pounding down on my body in sync. In the back of my mind I wondered if the couch could take the pounding.

"Oh, god, yes," Audrey cried out.

Both women were trying to pound my body through the couch, but I loved it. My day had gone from a lazy shower to having my wife's pussy pounding down around my raging cock and her best friend's pussy fucking my tongue. It was almost frightening but I loved it. I felt so wanted.

I breathed on every upstroke and continued to rub Audrey's clit with my thumb while she fucked my face. Then, with the hand on her ass, I used my finger to first tease her little asshole and then to slip it inside to the first knuckle.

"Oh you nasty, fuck, I'm going to come!" Audrey cried out.

"Keep it up, babe," Lisa encouraged.

I smiled to myself in triumph that I was finally going to be make Audrey come. I had gotten complacent over the last year, knowing Lisa as well as I did. I was proud that I still had the skills to try different things until I managed to hit on the right combination to make the magic happen.

Audrey slammed her pussy down on my face once, twice, thrice and then she came. She pressed down hard against me cutting off my air as she moaned and gasped in orgasm. She was quiet when she came, the only time she didn't have something to say.

Lisa continued to pound her cunt down around my cock until she too came, shouting at the top of her lungs as she often did, "I'm coming!"

Both women ground their pussies firmly down against me. I reveled in it. My cock was humming nicely with Lisa's sweet cunt spasming around it in orgasm. I could feel her juices running down my balls. Though I couldn't breathe I knew from swimming in the ocean a lot that I could hold my breath for nearly two minutes, so I let Audrey enjoy herself. I pulled my tongue from her dripping snatch, her juices running freely into my mouth, and licked delicately at the outside of her pussy, at least the part that was in my mouth.

Audrey sighed, coming down from her orgasm, and said, "You love eating my nasty pussy, don't you?"

As I couldn't inhale or exhale I couldn't say anything. I lifted both my hands and felt her tits, her back still to me. Both of her nipples were covered with fresh saliva, which I surmised was my own sweet wife's. I rolled them between my fingers for a moment. Then, unable to hold my breath any longer and starting to feel quite light-headed, I reached back and tapped her on the ass.

Realizing what I was asking, Audrey gasped and got off the couch. She spun around and dropped to the floor beside me and said, "Oh god Dan, I'm such a selfish cunt. I almost suffocated you with my nasty pussy."

I took a couple of good breathes of air as Lisa lifted herself off my cock and stood beside the couch, her bikini bottom askew and her top pulled down below her big tits. She laughed and said, "Don't worry about it Audrey. I do that to him all the time. One time he had to push me off him and I rolled onto the floor. He's strong."

I smiled at Audrey, my cheeks and chin wet with her juices, letting her know that I had enjoyed it and that she need not apologize. I said, "I'm just glad I made you come."

She kissed me and said, "You dear sweet man. That felt so fucking good. Thank you."

I was beginning to worry that they were done and there I was lying on the couch with a raging hard-on. I mean, I had made them both come and they still had on their bikinis. Maybe that's all they wanted and now they were going to head off to the beach.

Before I could form a question about it, Lisa said, "Let's take this to the bedroom."

I was ecstatic. If they had tried to leave I might have just had to wrestle one of them to the ground, I was so horny. Thankfully, that wasn't going to be necessary. Leaving the robe behind, the girls helped me up and then, with Lisa's fist around the base of my cock and Audrey's around the head, they led me on a very enjoyable walk to the bedroom, making me wish we had a bigger apartment.

When we reached the bed, both girls released me and crawled up in the bed, all asses and elbows from my perspective. They tumbled into the center of the bed together side-by-side, giggling and kissing. I didn't know exactly what the limits were, if any, but I decided to pretend that there weren't any, short of fucking Audrey. There was no way I was going to assume that was okay. I would never hear the end of it for the rest of our marriage if I assumed that was okay.

So, I climbed into the bed after them.

Lisa rolled on top of Audrey, kissing her more and more passionately. My wife palmed her friend's tits in her hands and pressed her hips against her as they kissed. I caressed up my wife's legs and knelt behind her. Her ass looked just perfect, nice and round. I pulled the bow on her left hip, freeing her bikini bottom to drape down her left leg.

Lisa turned and looked at me. She smiled as she crawled up her best friend's body and turned around. Facing me and looking me in the eyes, she settled her pussy down atop Audrey's face. Audrey slurped strongly at my wife's dripping snatch. I could tell that wasn't the first she had done that. I wondered again if they had done that in the last year, while we were married. 'How could they not have? They spent so much time together. Was I upset about that?' I couldn't decide.

I was confused for a moment until Lisa reached down and pulled open the bow on the hip of Audrey's bikini and pulled it completely to the side.

She then spread her best friend's pussy open with the fingers of her left hand, looked at me, said in her sexiest voice, "You want to fuck that tight pussy with your hard throbbing cock, don't you Dan?" she said, with that mischievous smile I loved so much.

I could tell she was getting off on her own words.

I nodded. I wanted to fuck Audrey so bad I could barely contain myself. There was really only one answer to that questions and I couldn't lie, not in the state I was in. Of course, if Lisa told me it was off limits, I would have somehow managed to resist. Lisa reached out and began stroking my stiff pulsating shaft in her little fist. She had one hand spreading her friend's pussy, and supporting her upper body, and her other hand jacking my dick.

She smiled at me. "You want to fuck my best friend? Fine! I'll let you. Hell, I'll even help you. But there’s one little condition."

I would have agreed to anything at that moment. I nodded. I hoped I could meet the condition, whatever it was. I wanted to fuck her so badly and my wife was giving me permission. I decided to shelve the question of what Lisa had been doing with Audrey over the last year to another time.

"Name it," I said hoarsely.

"You have to make sure she cums again," she explained. "Can you do that?"

I nodded. From my experiences before I married Lisa I knew that a strange pussy could either make me come much more quickly or make me last much longer. I had no idea which category Audrey's cunt fell in until I was inside, but I vowed to be careful. Audrey took a lot to make her cum, I had seen that, so I knew I had my work cut out for me. Of course, even if I failed I'd give it a hell of a try.

Lisa rose up and kissed me. I still had Audrey's juices all over my face.

She whispered in my ear. "I love you, babe. Please, fuck the shit out of Audrey for me."

'For her?' She had phrased it like I was doing her a favor by fucking her best friend. That was even better than her giving me permission. With Lisa's hand guiding me, I nestled the head of my dick at the entrance to Audrey's pussy as I whispered back to Lisa, "I love you, too."

"Make her come," Lisa's ordered as she released my cock and sat back, pressing Audrey's head into the bed with her pussy. She beamed a wicked smile at me and added, "I dare you!"

Audrey's cunt was slick but, I realized, very tight as I eased my prick into her. I had always wondered what her pussy would feel like, wrapped around my dick, but I had never imagined I would ever have had the opportunity to feel for myself while still married to Lisa. But here I was, pressing my cock deep into my wife's best friend. It was so surreal to me. I was sure I'd have woken up at any moment.

"Oh, yes. Stretch my nasty cunt with your big dick, Dan!" Audrey called to me from under Lisa's pussy. "Make me feel it!"

I pressed forward until my balls brushed against Audrey's ass, my cock just tapping the back of her cunt, filling her completely. I looked at Lisa and her face was covered with lust. The act of me fucking her friend at her direction, as well as her friend eating her pussy, was really turning her on.

Lisa called down to Audrey as she ate her pussy and asked, "How does that feel, Audrey?"

"Fucking great!"

I knew I couldn't have owned the biggest dick Audrey had ever fucked, but the fact that I was hitting bottom told me that I was filling her up and that's what really mattered. I could have had another foot of cock but if I couldn't get it in there what good would it have done me?

As I slowly pulled my cock from her cunt, glistening with her juices, Lisa said, "You are so wet, Audrey."

"I need this so fucking bad, Lisa," she replied.

"I know, honey," she cooed.

I wondered about their closeness again for a moment before slipping my cock back into the velvet vise of Audrey's tight cunt. She was slick enough inside for me to slip in easily but the grip she had on my prick was almost painful. I groaned in pleasure and pain as I nestled my balls back down against her ass.

"Shit, that's a thick piece of fuck meat," Audrey groaned.

"Just relax, honey," Lisa cooed to her as she reached between us and began gently rubbing Audrey's clit.

I looked down and watched. It was so fucking hot to see my wife's hand on her best friend's pussy as I pulled my cock from her cunt, all glistening with her juices. I stroked back in, this time a bit more easily. Her body was adjusting.

As Audrey's cunt accommodated to the breadth of my dick, I increased my pace, sliding in and out of her and savoring the feel of her pussy lips clasping to the sides of my shaft. She was so wet that I couldn't feel too much of the inside of her cunt. If my cock had been in danger of deflating I would have wiped some off but I was as hard as a rock at the situation itself and her wetness would only make the sweet pleasure last that much longer. I had a mission to fulfill, after all.

Lisa eased herself off her friend's face so she could get down and suck at Audrey's tits as she continued to rub her clit. She wasn't concerned with her own pleasure at all but was totally focused on her friend. She obviously loved her, as all best friends do. 'Did she love her even more than me,' I wondered. 'Did it matter? Was it a competition?'

Audrey looked up at me and said, "Yeah, give it to me, Dan. Fill my nasty cunt."

I stroked into Audrey all the more faster and harder. Her cunt squeezed my cock firmly but without pain any longer. She was tight but definitely fuckable and I was really enjoying myself. Any concern I had about my wife's relationship with this little sexpot were being brushed aside by the sweet friction of her pussy all along my shaft. I'd worry about it later, I scolded myself again.

"Harder," Audrey urged as she panted and moaned with pleasure.

She wrapped her legs loosely around my waist as I fucked her. She flexed her legs on each stroke, driving her bare heels into my ass and trying to get me to fuck her with more force. Lisa pulled her hand from her friend's clit as I leaned forward over Audrey, supporting myself with my arms. My wife sat up and watched, with her hands on her friend's tits, rolling the little nipples between her fingers. She smiled at me, letting me know she was happy with the way it was going.

"Give it to her," she urged.

I slapped my hips down against Audrey's, driving my prick into her deeply with each stroke. My balls slapped firmly against her ass as I fucked her. I watched her small tits rock back and forth under my wife's hands with each impact.

Audrey continued to try to pull me into her harder and harder with her legs. "Come on, fuck me harder than that," she complained.

I didn't want to hurt her, or me, but she was asking for it. I lay on my elbows, pressing my chest down against her breasts, forcing Lisa to withdraw her hands from her best friend's tits. I hooked my hands behind Audrey's shoulders and began ramming into her with all of my strength. Sweat beaded on my back as I worked my cock in and out of her clasping cunt with brutal force.

"Yeah! That’s it!" Audrey cried out, right in my ear. "Pound the shit out of my slutty fuckhole! Tear me up! Treat me like the whore I am!"

As Audrey unwrapped her legs from around my waist and spread her thighs wide for me, Lisa slapped my ass and said, "Fuck that little bitch, Dan!"

Both of their words inflamed my senses and drove me onward. My cock was as hard as steel as I fucked Audrey's tight cunt and I was surprised I hadn't needed to come yet. The physical exertion was dampening the pleasure just enough to let me keep going. Sweat covered my body.

As pressed her feet into the bed and used the leverage to thrust her hips back up against mine Audrey moaned, "Don't stop! Fuck me! You're going to make me fucking come! Don't you dare fucking stop!"

I didn't. I felt Lisa's hands on me, caressing my back and slapping my ass, but my attention was completely focused on Audrey. How this had happened and if it would ever happen again I didn't know, but I was determined to make the most of it. Besides, if I made her come it was much more likely to happen again than if I failed. I stroked in and out of her as hard as I could, rocking her below me with brutal force.

Audrey grew suddenly quiet as I slapped loudly down against her. Then she gave a single grunt of pleasure as she came. Her cunt spasmed around my plunging cock as her orgasm swept through her. I didn't slow my pounding of her quivering quim but instead continued even harder, trying to see if I could coax a multiple orgasm from her. The slapping of my hips against hers was loud in the small bedroom.

Audrey's cunt relaxed and girl-cum surrounded my cock. The squeezing of her tight pussy vanished and she was as wet as ever. She moaned in pleasure as her breathing slowed. I could see that a multiple orgasm wasn't going to happen so I lifted myself onto my hands and glanced at Lisa. If this was a threesome, she wasn't getting any attention. I worried for a moment that I had gone too far.

To my surprise, Audrey had three of her fingers buried deep in my wife's cunt. Seeing my concern, Lisa smiled at me and said softly, "Don't worry about me, babe. Fuck her until you come."

I was surprised by this, though I probably shouldn't have been. This whole time she had been mostly worried about showing Audrey a good time. She had always been generous but this level of munificence was surprising me. She really loved her best friend quite a lot. Lisa moaned in pleasure as Audrey worked her fingers inside of her with wet sloshing sounds. She wasn't totally bereft of pleasure in this, so I tried to push that concern from my mind completely.

Hoping to give Audrey another orgasm before I came and starting to figure out what she needed to make that happen, I hooked my arms behind her legs, lifting her ass off the bed, put my hands down on her shoulders, and resumed pounding my cock deeply into her from this new angle. This provided me with more support and leverage than before and I soon resumed a hammering of Audrey's cunt that made the previous pounding look tame in comparison.

Audrey looked up at me in pleasant surprise. Sweat covered her, though it was probably mostly mine. Above the loud slapping sound of my hips on her upturned thighs, she gasped, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I saw that it wasn't a complaint at all and I took it as about the best compliment that she could have given me. With the tightness of Audrey's cunt relaxed and her fuck-hole fully wet with her girl-cum I was able to last even longer than I would have otherwise. The wet sexy sloshing sounds filled the gaps in between the sounds of slapping, grunting, and panting.

Audrey's eyes were filled with gratitude as she looked up at me with amazement. She moaned, "Oh my god, yes. That's it, Dan. Use me like your personal fuck toy."

I fucked Audrey brutally, like a pile driver, filling her with my hard thick cock over and over again. I was getting tired but I didn't falter. I could also feel the tingling along my shaft and in my balls. I knew I wouldn't be able to go for much longer without cumming.

"Take it, Dan. Use me," she cried.

I slammed into her with all of the strength I had, the slapping of my thighs against her ass loud in the little bedroom as the bed creaked and groaned in protest. I had to drive her over the edge. She was so close to another orgasm but, then again, so was I. Finally, Audrey grunted and fell silent as her orgasm washed over her. Her cunt gripped me like a vise and filled with her girl-cum. I lodged my dick deep inside of her and let go.

Cum blasted from my prick against the back of Audrey's cunt, filling her with my warm cream. Jet after jet of cum flowed out of my prick and into my wife's best friend. I let it happen, completely emptying myself into her, letting her have every ounce of cum I had, just as I had given her every bit of energy I had left in my body.

Recognizing that I was coming in her friend, Lisa, "Yes, that's it. Fill her up, Dan!"

When I had finished completely I looked down at Audrey. She had already come down from her orgasm and was looking up at me with a smile on her face. She said, "Oh my God! That was fucking awesome!"

I smiled down at her, completely exhausted and covered in sweat.


Lisa and Audrey emerged from the bathroom as I, having put my robe back on, sat on the couch to wait and recover. My cock was still covered with Audrey's juices and my own cum. I needed to clean up, but I let them go first. They still planned to hit the beach.

As they walking into the living room wearing their tee-shirts, cutoffs, and sandals, Lisa said to Audrey, "See, I told you he was good."

Audrey smiled at me and said to Lisa, "Wow, you were right! I shouldn't have doubted you. Now, I wish we had done this last week like you wanted to."

I was shocked. With everything that had just happened, I was frankly surprised that anything could still shock me. I looked at Lisa as she and Audrey walked toward the door, gathering their bags to head to the beach.

I asked, "Wait, what? You planned this?"

Lisa looked at me with a smirk on her lips like I was so dumb. She said, "You didn't think this just happened spontaneously, did you?"

Audrey nodded and said, "These kinds of things take planning!"

I wasn't as insulted as I might have been. I shook my head at them in disbelief. But, yet, at the same time, I should have known somehow. I thought back on the surprise visit, the missing robe, the suntan lotion, the bikini show, Lisa's dry hair, and the blowjob lesson. It was so obvious in hindsight.

The girls both laughed at me and my bewilderment as well as the slow realization that crossed my face. While their laughter was at my expense, given what had just happened, my ego was fine.

"You could have just asked me, you know," I muttered.

Lisa replied, "We had to know how attracted to her you were."

"Yeah," Audrey said. "You've always been so gentlemanly around me that it was hard to tell."

As Lisa put on her sunglasses and opened the front door she said, "We'll be back from the beach in a few hours, so have a good lunch and rest up, babe."

Audrey smiled at me and added, as she followed Lisa out the door, "Yeah, you're going to need the energy!"


As I showered for the second time that day, I thought back on the events of the morning. It was unbelievable to me. I had just had a threesome with my wife and her best friend. 'Best friend' was almost an understatement. Audrey had been the maid of honor at our wedding, Lisa's roommate and best friend when I met her, and, from what she told me, they had been fast friends ever since their second year at college.

She was such a part of our lives. As I had dated Lisa I had gotten to know Audrey at the same time. I trusted her nearly as much as I did my wife. The way they behaved toward each other that morning, though, told me that it had absolutely not been the first time they had been in bed together. At the time, as turned on as I was, I didn't think I cared if it were or weren't, but, now, I felt I really needed to know if it had been going on while we were married. 'Had my sweet wife, Lisa, been fucking her best friend behind my back?'

If she were bi-sexual then why did she marry me without ever telling me about her desires for other women? Surely she knew that I would understand. I was very devoted to her and she knew that. I found myself becoming angry and disillusioned.

In no way was I angry at her bisexuality. That was cool with me, especially if I were invited. Hell, even if she didn't want me there, but that was what she felt she needed, I would understand. At least we could talk about it and work something out. I would never want her to live a lie.

No, it wasn't the bisexuality, it was the dishonesty. If she had been fucking around with Audrey while we were married then that meant that she didn't trust me with the truth. If she didn't trust me, then what did we have?

Now, I had really enjoyed the threesome and I definitely wanted the repeat that Audrey's parting words had hinted at, but I needed to know where I stood with Lisa. How one-sided was our relationship? With a girl as beautiful, smart, vivacious, and sexy as Lisa, who could have any man she desired, I had no doubt that I loved her more than she loved me. That was fine. However, for her to cheat on me with her friend was a big deal.

'What if I discovered that she had been cheating? What then? What did I want?' I had no idea. I knew I had to know the truth and I was formulating a plan to broach the subject without too much drama. Problem was, after the subject was broached, what was I going to do with the knowledge? Demand a divorce? No. I didn't want to lose Lisa over this, no matter what the truth was. Get angry? Probably. Demand an explanation and an apology? Definitely. How could I do any of this without throwing all possibilities of another threesome with Audrey out the window? I was working on that.

Stepping out of the shower, still wet, I decided to put my plan into motion. It was a simple plan; the simplest, really. So, I texted Lisa, *Eat light. I am taking you and Audrey to Olive Garden at five.*

As I dried off she sent me two texts. First, she wrote, *Sounds great!* Then she added, *Audrey wants to shop for a new dress, be home at four.*

I found myself dreading the evening. I might find out stuff I didn't want to know, I acknowledged to myself. I tried to shake off the jitters as best I could that afternoon but the thoughts still lingered.

To be continued.......

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